Timeline of changes (all times in UTC): May 19 21:53 - started fping
The poll timers are set to 2^6 = 64 seconds
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default/base_reachable_time is set to its default of 30s (arp marked as stale between 15s and 45s)
For the offset graphs, green (top line) = request, purple (middle line) = offset, blue (bottom line) = response, straight orange line is the 50th percentile
The 50th percentile offsets didn't change much Before/After, and represents an offset disagreement between the systems and is not the focus of this change
TL;DR - avoiding queueing in the OS for an ARP response lowers jitter and lowers the average latency
Before offset graphs:
After offset graphs:
RTT histogram comparison:
Summary: The max latency is reduced dramatically