Last update - Thu Feb 1 15:29:11 2018 GMT

Local Clock: Frequency + Offset
Local Clock: Frequency detail
Local Clock: Offset detail
Local Clock: Offset histogram
Local Clock: Skew
Local Clock: stddev
gps lock
gps snr over time
gps snr cdf
Remote Clocks: Frequency Difference
Remote Clocks: Offsets
Remote Clocks: Skew
allan deviation: gps
allan deviation: local ntp
Local Clock: PPS
Remote Clock: pi-squared.lan
Remote Clock: odroid64.lan
Remote Clock:
Remote Clock:
Remote Clock:

run1 notes:
Jul 21 02:04 GMT - updated kernel, updated Navspark-GL firmware (did not fix leap second bug), enabled presend on lan sources
Jul 21 02:40 GMT - restarted after wierd 4ms offset in PPS, leap second bug gone?
Aug 14 21:25 GMT - experimented with the 4.4 kernel, reverted to 3.8.13-bone80
Jan 15 04:48 GMT - restarted GPS, stuck in lost signal
Apr 10 21:28 GMT - switched to NS-T, 3.8.13-bone84 kernel, pps-gmtimer
May 18 16:32 GMT - switched to GL module, 4.9.28-ti-r35 kernel, pps-gmtimer
May 19 03:13 GMT - disabled puppet (ran every half-hour)

Git repository for chrony-graph: